🚨 Disclaimer: Routify 3 is currently in Release Candidate stage.

Please be aware that while the documentation is comprehensive, it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The codebase is also subject to changes that could affect functionality. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback or contributions.




Metadata is the heart of Routify. Each page and module has its own metadata. Metadata can be accessed without loading or visiting the component and it can contain anything from Routify settings to custom data.

Using meta for custom logic

Say you wanted to build auto generated navigation, but you don’t want unpublished pages to be included. To solve this we can add a custom metadata prop as such

<!-- routify:meta _draft=true -->

In our navigation generation we can then filter pages and modules based on our new custom property.

{#each nodes.filter(node => !node.meta._draft) as node}
  <a href={node.path} >{node.name}</a>

Notice that we’re prefixing our custom meta property with an underscore. This ensures that we don’t have conflicts with reserved meta properties.

Writing metadata


Metadata can be written as HTML comments.

<!-- routify:meta property=[value] -->

The value is parsed as a JSON value. If the value is omitted it will set to true. Hence property=true can be written simply as property.

Using meta to run scripts and fetch data at buildtime

To create dynamic buildtime metadata, we can create a meta js file with the same name as its component. For movies.svelte, we would name the metafile movies.meta.js

Dynamic import of metadata

To avoid including too much data in our initial bundle, we can use dynamic imports to make sure that the data is loaded only when we want it.

Persistent data

To reduce expensive API calls and lower build time greatly, we can store select data on disk. For sites with 10.000s of API requests this can reduce the build time from hours to milliseconds.

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